Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sub Pop Spreads Out It's Tree Limbs and Signs a Bunch of New Bands!

mp3 blogs

Wow sub pop, how many bands do you need to sign, 20 more? well it's not all sub pop's fault these bands are just awesome.

Happy Birthday
Do you remember how Pop rock used to be, before it became amazingly teeny and well gay? happy birthday is that band. they simply have a cool sound, you can't help not to love it. "Girls FM" is a really catchy song, filled with a lot of love and whatever else Happy Birthday shoved in the background of the song.

Happy Birthday - "Girls FM"

Dum Dum Girls
Noise pop, definitely only something our generation could come up with, but this band is actually quite good with similarities to the Vivian Girls. "Jail La La" definitely caught me off guard, when i pressed play i was expecting something more punkish, but the song is actually very catchy with nice voice, definitely worth buying off itunes, luckily for all of us, sub pop is nice enough to just give it to us.

Dum Dum Girls - "Jail La La"

The Dutchess & the Duke
get out a ten dollar bill and buy Sunset / Sunrise because that album is just awesome. Folk is beautiful and The Dutchess & the Duke masters it's beauty. "Living This Life" has so much beauty it's hard not to listen to it. "Hands" has a nice blues/soul feel to it, so buy the freakin album already!

The Dutchess & the Duke - "Living This Life"
The Dutchess & the Duke - "Hands"

there were a bunch of other artists and a lot more great music from sub pop here:

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